Trust Is (Da Word) New StreetSpirituals Cd Vol1

Deut. 18: 9 – 12 Spiritual War Is Not of Our Flesh! Iam That Iam

When you come into the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or a spiritust or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you..Deut. 18: 9 – 12

Iam That Iam"DaTraxman"Gifted with The-Spiritual-Heat-Of-Fire-2 Have-No-fear-Because-Its-He-That-Controls-DaHolySpiritual-With-MyHands-MyMind-With-Da Holy-Discernment-WithMyFocus Vision(His3rdEye)Which is my pureness of my love4my-innersavior-It is He that is in me that is better than he that is of this world"Iam Saved" and born 2 be "Bless Like Dat" and my heart Concernment-With Integrity has reveal why we now see that...1000yrs"Lucifer Its-Done"_gifted and bless seeds of Mt Zion from our inner-Soul Will always Belong 2 His HolyKingDom**Future Children of Us Hebrews,Gentiles and Jews likeminded NoMatter of race,color or creed Will Recieve the Promise Land(Its was already written god will never lie or deceive his seeds) This Is The NewKingdomOrder-The final Level, We will now live as 1 and Keep It Real and Shall Dance4Da Kingdom -Music*Is*Pure*Universal*Positive*Energy*we are born from the book of Life not death and those that are saved and have Faith will prosper with spiritual wealth, paper riches will never and please understand this affirmational fact will never Top this Holy and Divine Fact**From MotherLand**This is It*

The fact that the devil is able to transform himself into an angel of light means that with the natural eyes, you cannot see that there is a problem. That is why it is so important to be born again, as God, via the Holy Spirit, has gifted us with discernment and we can spot evil a mile away.2 Corinthians 11:14
(Peep this technology is the holy bible its not old or new its the number****Iam****All*****Man will never destroy what he can not see.(It was already written)

The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the Integrity of an empire or territor.God is our King, Its Done.....Neo-Tech.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Keepin It Real R.A.W(Da Spiritual Heat)

Coming Soon From His Debut StreetSpirituals Universal cd spring2010 and beyond "Its Time 2 GeT Ready Da-Spirit-Is Coming 2 Deliver Us 2 Da PromiseLands All The Way 2 Top Of Mt Zion
HolySeedz2SetUsHebrewsMe&U,He.&She 4ever Free 2 prosper and love ourselfs Eternity(Remember a 4hundred yrs is 1 day to God he has no time and no clocks just all creation and universal space)

All The Black on Black,White On Black,and Red On Yellow GangBanggin will fall into the spiritual lakes of fire which is on its holyway to save our inner city communities all over the world not the universe,they will now feel DaSpirtualHeat coming 2 all of them ghetto streets,creepin
as the power of the great "Iam That Iam"(Our Universal Lord The 1 Christ and Only The 1)Fulfil Divine Prophecy which 2 refresh ourselfs and the confused states of the youthful minds of our children which they inherited from deceit and deceptions of past worldly control of the spiritual minds and the power of music, which by the way is the foundations of the most powerful and holygifts ever given from our heaven to man kind
Now Its all about 2 go 2 DA-NEXT-LEVEL OF UNIVERSAL InnerPower and Da-Natrual High 2 A Higher Consciousness
Higher consciousness is generally regarded as a developed state of consciousness in which aspects of the mind, such as thought, perception and attention, are improved, refined and enhanced. It is considered thus to be a higher level of consciousness relative to ordinary consciousness, in the sense that a greater awareness of reality is achieved. In a secular context, higher consciousness is usually associated with exceptional control over one's mind and will, intellectual and moral enlightenment, and profound personal growth.[1]. In a spiritual context, It may also be associated with transcendence, spiritual enlightenment, and union with the divine.[2]

The concept of higher consciousness rests on the belief that the average, ordinary human being is only partially conscious due to the character of the untrained mind and the influence of 'lower' impulses and preoccupations. As a result, most humans are considered to be asleep (to reality) even as they go about their daily business. Gurdjieff called this ordinary condition of humanity "waking sleep," an idea gleaned in part from ancient spiritual teachings such as those of the Buddha. In each person lie potentialities that remain inchoate as a result of the individual being caught up in mechanical, neurotic modes of behaviour where energy for personal spiritual development is not used correctly, but squandered in unskillful ways. As a result of the phenomenon of projection, the cause of such a person's suffering is often seen to lie in outer circumstances or other individuals. One prerequisite for the development of consciousness is the understanding that suffering and alienation are one's own responsibility and dependent on the mind's acquiescence (through ignorance, for example). Traditionally, both in the Eastern and the Abrahamic spiritual traditions, a person who sought mind-body transformation came under the tutelage of a Master (Rabbi, Sheikh, Guru, Acarya, etc.) who would oversee their progress. In the past, as today, this education would often involve periods of retreat in communities (ashrams, monasteries, meditation centers, etc.) whose sole purpose is the cultivation of awakening.
"Its Time 2 Get Our Minds Right and Our Focus Game Tight..

The Late and Rapper 2PAC was used by god before he left his state of confusion of the lower mindset as he allowed this message from the kingdom sent to our youth right before he met his fate from the power of the tongue not the gun think about that ok.. check out the lyrics... Hit 'em with a little Ghetto Gospel Those who wish to follow me (My Ghetto Gospel) I welcome with my hands And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold And peace to this young warrior without the sounds of guns If I could recollect before my hood days I'd sit and remanence thinkin' of bliss of the good days I stop and stare at the younger my heart goes to ?em Aids tested it was stress that they under And nowadays things change Everyone's ashamed of the youth 'Cuz the truth look strange and for me it's reversed We left them a world that's cursed and it hurts 'Cuz any day they'll push the button and all good men Like Malcolm X and Bobby Hutton died for nothin' Told 'em they could get teary the world looks dreary When you wipe your eyes see it clearly There's no need for you to fear me If you take your time to hear me Maybe you can learn to cheer me it ain't about black or white 'Cuz we're human I hope we see the light before it's ruined My Ghetto Gospel Those who wish to follow me (Ghetto Gospel) I welcome with my hands And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold And peace to this young warrior without the sounds of guns Tell me do you see that old lady, ain't it sad? Livin' outta bags but she's glad for the little things she has And over there there's a lady crack got her crazy Yet she's givin' birth to a baby I don't trip and let it fade me from outta the frying pan We jump into another form of slavery Even now I get discouraged wonder if they take it all back Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model I set goals, stay in control Drink out my own bottles I made mistakes But learned from every one and when it's said and done I bet this brother be a better one If I upset you don't stress never forget That God isn't finished with me yet I feel His hand on my brain when I write rhymes I go blind and let the Lord do His thing ain't it But am I less holy 'cuz I chose to puff a blunt And drink a beer with my homies Before we find world peace we gotta find peace And end the war in the streets my Ghetto Gospel Those who wish to follow me (Yeah, Ghetto Gospel) I welcome with my hands And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold And peace to this young warrior without the sounds of guns Lord can You hear me speak? Pay the price for being Hell bound